The above photo shows Megan Carter-Davies MWOC and Graham Gristwood FVO, who won W21L and M21L respectively. (Photo courtesy of Paul Street).
Some photos of the prize-giving by Steve Rush are available here. And some courtesy of are here. You are welcome to use the photos in club newsletters etc, but please credit the owner.
Ticks – One participant has reported finding a tick after Hambleden. We recommend you check your body carefully.
Organiser's Comments
I am sure after our two Penn “Night and Day” events in 2017 that we decided it was a bad idea to ask one person to act as Organiser for both the days. We were using those events (including the Southern Nights) as a dress rehearsal for this weekend. I am still not sure what went wrong!In all seriousness, having one Organiser, one Planner and one Controller (and one location) did help to simplify the coordination of everything. That, coupled with the excellent TVOC team system meant that I could seem to rely on most things “just happening” on their own without too much effort. Thanks to every TVOC helper (and a few “associates”) for their efforts over what must have felt like two long days for some.
Apologies for the hired generator problems. It seems like a fault with the spark plug or coil pack was the issue when fully hot. But the results team screens and everyone’s head torches lit the place up for long enough to get it started again.
The heavy rain overnight on Saturday caused some problems. Full marks for the Car Park team getting all the motorhomes and camper vans (including mine) off the site without too many delays. That team’s efforts were well above and beyond the call of duty.
One plea. Please do take “Courses Close” times seriously. Helpers are abused enough at such events without adding to the pressure by the need to organise search parties and hang around for people to get back late. Several helpers were still on site at 10:45pm, only to be back at 8:00am in the morning for Part Two!
I still have the M60 trophy, along with a few of the medals that weren’t picked up on the night, or on Sunday. I also have a very poor track record in people claiming lost property after events. So I did throw away a pair of used underpants (and a few other small clothing items). But I did keep hold of the more unusual items. Two keys. A full gas bottle. A thermos flask cup. And a car footwell mat left on the field. Neville found a black/orange Ronhill jacket and a pair of black Karrimor gloves. Please contact me if any of these are yours.
25FEB20: Just found the maps of the following early starters. Ella May Rush, S Keyes and C Ashenden. Email or call and I will post them to you.
Finally, there is no greater pleasure to be had as an Organiser than when you are relaxed, confident and simply able to sit back and watch the event unfold, running smoothly like a sewing machine. Throughout both events I was able to take time out, wander around, and watch you and talk to you about your experiences of Hambleden. Everyone seemed to enjoy the events. Thank you for coming to support them.
John Dalton