TVOC Junior Squad do it again at the inter-club YBT Final: second place for the second year in a row!

On 7th July, fourteen TVOC juniors competed in the 2024 national final of the Yvette Baker Trophy (YBT) inter-club competition hosted by Happy Herts orienteering club (HH) at Northaw Great Wood near Potters Bar. The torrential rain and thunder was not ideal preparation, nor good to run in, but everyone battled their hearts out. The … Continue reading “TVOC Junior Squad do it again at the inter-club YBT Final: second place for the second year in a row!”

Minutes from 2022-23 AGM now updated

The Minutes (draft) from the 2022-23 AGM held 30th April 2024 are now available from  < here > These Minutes now contain the Membership Secretary’s report