Sunday 18th February – Entries now open!
The club needs you at the CompassSport Cup heat at Esher Common on Sunday 18th February, to help us beat HH, SO, SN and SLOW and make it through to the final. We especially want all juniors to take part – TVOC will pay juniors’ entry fees.
Everyone will score points, with the winner on each course scoring 100 points, 2nd scoring 99, etc. The highest 25 TVOC scores then count towards the club total. With maximum four scorers per course, we sometimes don’t get enough runners on the junior courses or even the 45+. So, whilst we really want everyone to turn out, there’s an especially big call-out to all our juniors and to all our under-50s to please enter!
All entries have to be via the club captain, Alison Smith. If you are available to run at the CompassSport Cup heat, please let her know by 28th JAN 2023 at the latest:
- Your name
- Your age class
- Your SI number (or whether you want to hire an SI or SIAC card)
- Your BOF number (you must be a BOF member to compete. Members of University Clubs can run if they are local TVOC members and also BOF members.)
- Your preferred start time (range 10.30am-12.30pm)
It’s £12 for seniors, free for juniors. SI card hire is £2 for SIAC or £1 for non-SIAC for adults, free for juniors. Ideally, please pay your entry fees directly to TVOC via bank transfer (ask Alison if you need details). If this is not possible, please contact Alison to arrange another way to pay.
PLEASE pay at the same time as you notify Alison that you wish to enter. Janusz, our Treasurer, does not want to wate his time chasing members for payment. If you have not paid by 31st January, then you will not be entered.
It will usually be best for the club if you run the correct class for your age group.
Brown Men Open
Short Brown M40+ M20-
Blue Women Open
Blue Men 50+
Green Women W45+ W20-
Green Men M60+
Short Green Veteran M70+ W60+
Green Junior Men M18-
Short Green Supervet M80+ W70+
Short Green Junior Women W18-
Orange M14-
Orange W14-
There are also non-competitive Yellow and Light Green courses which you can enter. The assembly area and car park will be at the Fairmile Inn, Portsmouth Rd, Cobham, Surrey, KT11 1BW. Further details will be on the SLOW website in due course.