Chesham Bois

Saturday Series

19th November 2022


Moor Road car park, Chesham
Nearest Postcode


Update 18 Nov:  Sorry but we have now closed entries, as we are concerned about the amount of car parking space we will have for the event.  If you have already entered, please follow the instructions of the car park marshals and park closely to the next car so we can fit as many of you in as we can – later arrivals will need to park on nearby roads.  Thanks for your understanding

COVID may seem like a bad memory.  However it is still in circulation and we encourage a continued responsible approach at our orienteering events. People have different risk tolerances and we ask you to respect others’ personal choices, particularly in maintaining inter-personal distance.  Please do not attend if you or a member of your household has COVID-19 symptoms; we will offer a full refund in such circumstances – details at bottom of page.

This event will be SIAC enabled



TVOC members, PLEASE click on the link below and sign up to help. The sign-up sheet contains a discount code to give you a lower priced entry as a 'thank you'.


Directions / Parking

From the roundabout on the A416 Amersham Road at the South end of Chesham, turn SE along Moor Road for 300m. Turn right into free public car park just before the outdoor swimming pool. TVOC marshals will direct you to a space. Beware -SatNav may misdirect you. On leaving the car park you must turn left.

Car park opens at 9:30am. Use of the Car park is by kind permission of Chesham Town Council.

Terrain Description

The competition area is relatively small and you will have relatively more controls than many other TVOC areas - rather like a sprint course with frequent changes in direction. The area is on the southern slopes of the Chess valley, so some contours. Course legs are often very runnable amongst tall beech trees, a maturing plantation and across a field with a superb view over the Chess Valley. Low earth walls and a few depressions are links to the area’s past use. There are holly bushes to avoid. You will be no more than 60m from a path. Green course has footpath links to and from a section of the wooded Common with its abundant earth features.

The Map

A4 map, scale 1:5000, updated in the past few weeks and based on Lidar data. Symbols are ISOM 2017- 2 enlarged to 250%.
The land owners require that we do not enter several small areas. One has young trees and the other six have green sedge grass growing high in small open areas. These areas are all marked out of bounds on your map with purple hatching. Your optimum course routes avoid them.
On the Orange, Light Green and Green courses a broken steel spiked fence lies partly buried on the ground and is shown on your map as a thick purple line. Only cross it on a path at one of the four mandatory crossing points shown on your map and on your course description sheet.


YELLOW: 1.8km 75m climb. Easy course on paths. Suitable for juniors with some experience or for supervised newcomers, and for family groups.
ORANGE: 2.7km 80m climb Suitable for adult beginners and experienced juniors. Routes along line features or prominent point features. Collecting features behind all controls.
LIGHT GREEN: 3.1km 115m climb. More challenging; for improvers and those with a bit of experience.
Most controls are off paths but close to large or linear features.
GREEN: 4.3km 150m climb Most challenging. For experienced orienteers. Significant route choices. As technical as the land permits.

Control descriptions are on the map only, loose ones are not provided. Yellow has text descriptions; orange has text and symbols; Light Green and Green have symbols only.

Start Times

THERE WILL BE NO ENTRY AT THE EVENT. You must pre-enter, via SiEntries using the link at the top of this page. Subject to still having maps avaiable, we will keep entries open until Saturday morning.

We have now ordered maps for the event, so further entries are dependent on maps and spaces still being available. On the day, collect your hired SIAC dibber from the TVOC tent.

Starts will be from 10.15 to 11.45am.

400metres walk from the TVOC tent to the Start. (All distances currently provisional.) The route to the Start (and from the Finish) requires crossing a minor road, so children should be accompanied. Follow tags from the TVOC tent. After the Finish control continue a few metres to the manned check finish where each runner has to insert their dibber. Continue to the field gate, turn right and continue downhill past the Start and retrace your route back to the Download tent where you will receive your results slip.

Courses close at 1pm. All competitors MUST be back at the Download tent BY 1PM, whether finished or not.

How To Enter

PRE-ENTRY ONLY through SiEntries, using the link at the top of this page. There will be no entry at the event, though you will be able to enter right up to the day of the event if there are still maps available.

You don't have to be a member of an orienteering club to enter this event. On SiEntries, just show your club name as IND (for Independent)

Small family or other groups are welcome, but please enter only the Yellow or Orange courses. Enter as a Senior. Change your name if you wish, for example to Jones Family.

Entry Cost

- Green and Light Green - BOF members £7, non-members and family groups £9, Juniors & Students £3
- Yellow and Orange - BOF members £6, non-members and family groups £8, Juniors & Students £3
Timing chip hire £1 (essential if you do not have one). Lost timing chips charged at £65.


Hired chemical toilet near the TVOC tent. (Access to the swimming pool toilets is no longer permitted.)

Further Information

If you need advice or help in entering via SiEntries, this page may help. If you do find yourself stuck, then email Alun, or phone him on 07967 605307.

Click here to read our policy on refunds if you have to cancel because you are required to isolate for COVID reasons.

Junior League
More detailed information about the Junior League that runs in conjunction with the Saturday Series can be found here.


Organiser: Andrew Chalmers    email organiser
Planner: Andrew Chalmers