To be eligible for the SCOA Championships, a competitor must:
- be a BOF member with SCOA as their nominated Association (as shown on their membership card)
- enter the appropriate course for their age as listed below, or to ‘run up’. (Note that, as per BOF rule 8.3, women are permitted to be competitive in men’s classes but men are not permitted to compete in women’s classes.)
- pre-enter by the published closing date of Sunday 17 March 2024.
Black, M21
Brown, M35, M40
Short Brown, M18, M20, M45, M50, W21
Blue, M16, M55, M60, W35, W40
Short Blue, M65, W18, W20, W45, W50
Green, M70, W16, W55, W60
Short Green, M75, M80, W65, W70
V Short Green, M85, M90, W75, W80, W85, W90
Light Green, M14, W14
Orange, M12, W12
Yellow, M10, W10
You will not be asked if you are eligible when you enter. We will automatically identify those entrants who are SCOA members and are running an appropriate course, and categorise them as competing for the SCOA Championships.
SCOA members will be deemed to be competing in their actual age group if they are running the course appropriate to their age group. If they are running up a course, then they will be deemed to be competing:
- for juniors, in the youngest age group for the course they are running.
- for seniors, in the oldest age group for the course they are running.
If they wish to be treated as competing in a different age group, they will need to write to by Sunday 17 March 2024 specifying the age group in which they wish to compete.
For example an M60 (or M65) running Blue will be deemed as competing in M60. A W16 competing in Short Blue will be deemed as competing in W18. If they wish to be considered as competing in M55 or W20 respectively, then they need to contact the entries secretary at the address above.
Medals will be awarded to the first three eligible in each age class. It is intended that the prize-giving takes place at 2:30pm or as soon as practicable after that. If you are eligible, please select a start time which allows you to have completed your course and downloaded by 2:00pm, in order that the prize-giving can go ahead promptly.