RouteGadget Please do add your route; the planner is always keen to see where competitors went, and competitors find it useful to see where others went.
Please refer any queries with these results to
Alun Jones
PDF of overall results
TVOC’s next events:
- Saturday 15th January – Saturday Series at Bradenham Woods. Details here
- Sunday 20th February – Level C event at Hodgemoor. Details available shortly
Organiser's Comments
Well, what a great turn out for our 50th Anniversary do, I hope everyone who took part had a good time and managed to get one of the prized TVOC anniversary bandanas.Judging by the feedback I got, everyone enjoyed the challenge of Shotover, which is never to be underestimated! Thanks to our planner Simon Ross who came up with some great courses and to our Controller Neville Baker who did a fine job multi-tasking on the day. The TVOC team system worked seamlessly as ever, much appreciated by the Organiser.
Finally, a big thank you to BMW Mini Oxford for allowing us to use their car park, and to Oxford City Council for permission to use Shotover for Orienteering. Thanks also to Paul & Nik from White-Star Medical, only a couple of very minor injuries on the day. And last, but not least, the day was made that bit more special with Tom & Julie’s presence, especially welcome on a cold late December day.
Gary Mills