This event is for TVOC members only – Sunday 12 January 2020
Following the success of December’s training session organised by Simon, we are planning a second coaching/training session also at Shotover Country Park near Oxford. The sessions are provided free to TVOC members.
• What: Training will focus on compass work and map simplification. There will also be easier exercises on map skills, simplification and cutting corners through terrain for those who normally run Orange standard courses
• Where: Meet at Shotover Country Park Car Park (OX3 8TA, SP563062).
• When: Ready to receive instructions and safety briefing at 1030. Training continues until 1300, although it is fine to leave earlier.
• How: Sign-up sheet, by 5th January.
Attendees are reminded to bring suitable clothes for orienteering along with warm clothes and maybe a waterproof in a bag to wear in between sessions. Compass and a pen will be helpful too. Please bring your own food and drink