Jonathan Fairn Trophy

Jonathan Fairn, an ebullient rather than a particularly good orienteer, was an efficient secretary in the early days of TVOC.  He died in tragic circumstances, and the club decided to honour his memory with a trophy.  The trophy is awarded for:

The best performance by an M/W40 or older TVOC member at the November Classic or competition of similar standing. Previous winners would not be eligible.

2024Simon Kippin
2023Malcolm Lyon
2022Paul Taylor
2021Jenny Thompson
2020Not awarded due to COVID
2019Jonny Travnicek
2018Ben Green
2017Julian Birkinshaw
2016Vladimir Kuznetsov
2015John Thompson
2014Sue Jones
2013Tuomas Tala
2012Tim Must
2011Steve Long
2010Richard Sharp
2009Tim Hughes
2008Martin Ricketts
2007Alun Jones
2006Tony Baker
2005Mikhail Gryaznevich
2004Carol Edwards
2003Neville Baker
2002Trefor Williams
2001Fred Ashford
2000Nigel Bunn
1999Roger Thetford
1998Ann Cummings
1997Jim Prowting
1996Arthur Boyt
1995Bernard Potter
1994Geoff Bristow
1993Andrew Chalmers
1992David Kingham
1991Inara Gipsle
1990Derrick Moore
1989Brian Palmer
1988Cathy Breen
1987Diane Spicer
1986Beryl Williams
1985Geoffrey Geere
1984Roger Baker
1983Herbie Smith
1982John Spence
1981Margaret Thompson
1980Judy Wood