Example Saturday Series

Saturday Series

15th February 2023


Brill Common
Nearest Postcode
HP18 9TH


This event will be SIAC enabled.


TVOC members, PLEASE sign up to help.


Directions / Parking

Parking and event registration will be located at North Hill off Windmill Road, Brill. Just head for the windmill and you’ll see signs. Please be considerate to local residents when parking. Because of the restricted parking space, please share lifts where possible.

Terrain Description

Brill is a charming hill-top village with wonderful views to look forward to, and some nice pubs for refreshments afterwards.

There are numerous contour features in this open area related to clay workings. A cattle enclosure is surrounded by an electric fence denoted as a purple line on the map. The cattle are Dexters and are friendly. The fence will be turned off for the event. You can duck under the fence at any point though there are gates marked on the map.

It's a great area for beginners, because it is all open - just with lots of humps and dips so the challenge is navigating through all the contour lines. There are brambles and courses have been planned to avoid the worst of them. Full leg and arm cover are recommended. It is very muddy and slippery at the moment, please wear your grippiest footwear.

There is a pond in the competition area past by all courses. Please tell unaccompanied juniors not to go near the pond.

The Map

1:4,000, with 1.7m contours. Size A4. Map updated January 2023 to ISOM 2017-2 by Mark Thompson.

No loose control descriptions.


YELLOW: 1.4km, 12 controls, ca 50m climb. Suitable for juniors with some experience or for supervised newcomers, and for family groups.
ORANGE: 3.0km, 23 controls, ca 75m climb. Suitable for adult beginners and experienced juniors.
RED: 4.0km (expect to run about 5km), 29 controls, ca 100m climb. Longer, but less challenging navigationally. Ideal for runners new to orienteering. You still need to be able to read a map, but it is more like an unmarked trail race.
LIGHT GREEN: 3.0km, 26 controls, ca 100m climb. More challenging; for improvers and those with a bit of experience. Most controls away from paths and more route choices.
GREEN: 3.7km, 30 controls, ca 100m climb. Most challenging. Only for those with experience at orienteering. More navigation. Planner has made the course as hard as possible. Watch out for an additional challenge!


Control descriptions will be on the map only.

If you're a runner trying orienteering for the first time, the Red course is ideal - you will probably run 5km doing it; if that is too much, then Orange might be more suitable.
For family groups, we recommend the Orange course, or Yellow if you want something shorter.
For juniors, Yellow is a good course, though juniors new to the sport should be accompanied.

Orange, Red, Light Green and Green courses cross a public road twice - the crossing will be manned and timed out. You'll have a minute to cross the road each way, so do take your time. These times will not count your overall race time. There is good visibility along the road in both directions but please take care.

Course lengths are straight line distances between the control points. You can expect to run at least 20% more than the stated distances!

The THAMES VALLEY JUNIOR ORIENTEERING LEAGUE runs in conjunction with TVOC’s Saturday Series. Brill is the first Junior League event of 2023. Any junior aged 18 or under who enters this event as an individual and who successfully completes a course on their own (or in a junior pair on the Yellow course only, or who is shadowed by a parent/carer on the Yellow or Orange courses only) will be automatically included in the Junior League standings. Please note that any junior who enters and participates as part of a family group, or other group, will not be eligible for the Junior League. More League details and full rules can be found at https://tvoc.org.uk/junior-league/

Start Times

THERE WILL BE NO ENTRY ON THE DAY. You must pre-enter, via SIEntries see link at the top of this page.

Starts will be from 10.15 to 11.45am. The Start and Finish are adjacent to the carpark.

IMPORTANT: Courses close at 1pm. You must report to the download tent by 1pm latest, even if you retire or have not finished. The controls will be collected from 1pm onwards

How To Enter

Pre-entry only through SIEntries. There will be no entry on the day, and we are limiting entry numbers because of the restricted parking.

You don't have to be a member of an orienteering club to enter this event. On SiEntries, just show your club name as IND (for Independent)

Small family or other groups are welcome, but please enter only the Yellow, Orange or Red courses. You just need a single entry. Enter as a Senior. If you enter as a group, SiEntries will ask you for the name of your group to appear in results - eg Jones family.

Entry Cost

Pre-entries up to Sunday 19th February
- Red, Light Green and Green - BOF members £6, non-members and family groups £8, Juniors & Students £2
- Yellow and Orange - BOF members £5, non-members and family groups £7, Juniors & Students £2
Later entries (assuming spaces are still available) - £1 extra
Timing chip hire £1 (essential if you do not own one). Lost timing chips charged at £65.


One portaloo toilet.
No drinks or food available, please bring your own. Or visit the pub across the road after your run.

Further Information

Junior League
More detailed information about the Junior League that runs in conjunction with the Saturday Series can be found here.


Organiser: Mark Thompson/John Spence    email organiser      07469212700
Planner: Mark Thompson TVOC
Controller: Peter Riches TVOC