Abingdon Urban (UKUL) Regional Event

Level C

24th September 2023


Abingdon Abbey Meadows
Nearest Postcode
OX14 3JE


IMPORTANT…Under 16’s on Course 6 MUST start between 11.00 and 11.30. Any arriving at the Start after that time will not be allowed on the course. This is for safety purposes, and will be strictly enforced.

Entries are now open.

This event will be SIAC enabled.

Directions / Parking

Abingdon is some 5 miles south of Oxford. For those coming by car, the event centre is less than 10minutes from the A34. For those coming by public transport, Didcot is on the main line between Bristol and London with frequent trains; half-hourly buses from Didcot to Abingdon take around 30 minutes.

Self-parking in Abingdon.
• We highly recommend that you use Hales Meadow or Rye Farm car parks, south of Abingdon Bridge (pay toilet here). Access to Assembly is a pleasant walk along the River Thames via Abingdon Lock.

Terrain Description

Abingdon is an ancient market town, laying claim to be the oldest continuously inhabited town in the UK. The mapped area slopes very gently from north to south and encompasses both modern and older housing estates, urban development, car parks and a small area of parkland

The Map

The event will encompass the newly mapped Abingdon South, plus parts of the previously used Abingdon North.
ISSprOM2019-2, scale 1:4000, A3/A4
Longer courses have a double-sided map with overlap.

Start Times

Pre-entry only via SiEntries. THERE WILL BE NO ENTRY AT THE EVENT

When you enter, you will be asked to select a start block, to smooth the flow of competitors to the Start. When choosing your block, bear in mind that courses will close at 14:30, by which time you must have completed your course and downloaded.
IMPORTANT...Under 16’s on Course 6 MUST start between 11.00 and 11.30. Any arriving at the Start after that time will not be allowed on the course.


The event will offer the standard seven UKUL course/class combinations. Courses 2-7 will have the option of "Other" for those wanting to run out of class.

Due to road crossings, those below age 16 must run the junior courses. Beginners welcome.

How To Enter

Pre-entry only via SiEntries. THERE WILL BE NO ENTRY AT THE EVENT

Starts will be from 11:00 to 13:00.

IMPORTANT: Courses close at 14:30. You must report to the download tent by then, even if you retire or have not finished. The controls will be collected from 14:30 onwards.

Entry Cost

Up to Sunday 17th September
- Seniors £12 (£14 non-BOF)
- Juniors £4
From Monday 18th September (entries subject to map availability)
- Seniors £14 (£16 non-BOF)
- Juniors £5

Special discount price of £8 for Seniors and family groups running classes 6 Other and 7 Other

SI card hire: £2 per card – seniors and juniors


None provided by the event. The adjacent town centre has plenty of facilities.

Public pay toilet at Hales Meadow. The Abbey Meadows toilet block is now partially open.

We will not be providing water or other drinks. Please ensure you bring liquids with you.


Organiser: Neville Baker    email organiser      07562992292
Planner: Tom Dobra
Controller: Paul Fox (SN)