Results for Wittenham Clumps Saturday Series - 29 Sep 2019

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Course Results



4.1km 145m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time Behind
1st Nigel Bunn TVOC M55 22:59  
2nd Andy Marshall TVOC M40 24:58 +1:59
3rd Hermanus Henning IND M21 26:08 +3:09
4th Jan Travnicek TVOC M40 27:43 +4:44
5th Ben Green TVOC M40 28:22 +5:23
6th Andrea Stefkova DRONGO W21 28:42 +5:43
7th William Turner IND M21 28:44 +5:45
8th Andreas Frisk TVOC M35 30:06 +7:07
9th Zlatko Peev SLOW M45 31:54 +8:55
10th Matt Shepard AVTC M21 32:41 +9:42
11th Stuart Richardson IND M21 33:39 +10:40
12th Charlotte Coles TVOC W35 35:31 +12:32
13th Sue Buxton TVOC W55 35:37 +12:38
14th John Turner TVOC M65 36:33 +13:34
15th Jess Arnold TVOC W16 36:57 +13:58
16th Pete Williams IND M65 37:18 +14:19
17th Ian Buxton TVOC M50 37:56 +14:57
18th Alex Hollingsworth TVOC M50 38:16 +15:17
19th Tim Hughes TVOC M65 38:20 +15:21
20th Thomas Venn TVOC M35 38:27 +15:28
21st Andrew Nex TVOC M45 38:30 +15:31
22nd Gillian Bowers HAPPY H W45 38:44 +15:45
23rd Graham Parkins TVOC M40 39:15 +16:16
24th Dawn Figg HH W50 41:14 +18:15
25th David Caswell IND M45 41:59 +19:00
26th Alan Bowers HAPPY H M45 43:54 +20:55
27th Wendy Davies AVTC W50 44:53 +21:54
28th Danny Hearn TVOC M55 45:41 +22:42
29th Megan Barry IND W18 45:43 +22:44
30th Greg Birdseye TVOC M70 46:27 +23:28
31st Nik Windle TVOC M55 47:15 +24:16
32nd Doug Greenwood BKO M45 47:40 +24:41
33rd Martin Richards IND M50 47:48 +24:49
34th Ross Hawton IND M21 48:22 +25:23
35th Nigel Shepard IND M55 49:46 +26:47
36th Peter Narramore TVOC M60 50:47 +27:48
37th Antony Moore TVOC M70 50:48 +27:49
38th Annika Greenwood BKO W45 51:32 +28:33
39th Charlie Manning IND M50 51:42 +28:43
40th Peter Ellis IND M45 55:26 +32:27
41st Marissa Hughes TVOC W45 58:47 +35:48
42nd Kathryn Turner TVOC W60 59:41 +36:42
43rd Sam & Owen Hughes IND M10 59:42 +36:43
44th Sam McNeill IND M21 60:18 +37:19
45th David Bliss TVOC M60 67:50 +44:51
46th Dan Satterthwaite SMOC M50 72:46 +49:47
47th Kate Williams IND W70 73:10 +50:11
  Matt Mellor IND M40 m7-14  
  James Reader IND M21 m5-6 m8-12  
  Jonathan Hughes BOF M21 m10  
  Amy Caswell IND W12 w13  
  Eve Newton IND W21 m4-14  



3km 95m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time Behind
n/c Thomas Venn (2nd run) TVOC M35 23:06  
1st Tom Inness BKO M16 24:08  
2nd Harry Cann IND M12 24:10 +0:02
3rd James Brown TVOC M16 25:50 +1:42
4th Liam Challis IND M35 28:40 +4:32
5th Helen Knott IND W35 28:45 +4:37
6th Pete Inness BKO M50 28:52 +4:44
7th Sian Miller TVOC W55 29:22 +5:14
8th= Maddie Woodcock ST ANDR W12 29:46 +5:38
8th= Flo Parke ST ANDR W12 29:46 +5:38
10th David Rowlands IND M50 30:17 +6:09
11th Holly Smith IND W21 31:33 +7:25
12th Mark Holford IND M50 31:45 +7:37
13th Magdalena Wyatt CHPS W40 32:47 +8:39
14th Vicky Mortimer IND W40 32:54 +8:46
15th Clara Zabell IND W14 33:53 +9:45
16th Pete Gladstone IND M45 35:04 +10:56
17th Penny Rodgers TVOC W55 35:14 +11:06
18th Ros James SMOC W55 35:40 +11:32
19th Andy Howes IND M55 37:23 +13:15
20th Alister Wynne ST ANDR M10 37:25 +13:17
21st Zebedee Harlock-Askew TVOC M6 38:22 +14:14
22nd Roberta Riva (2nd run) IND W21 39:04 +14:56
23rd Tamsin Busby TVOC W35 42:01 +17:53
24th Mark Baker IND M45 43:20 +19:12
25th Clara Ramos IND W8 46:30 +22:22
26th Stephanie Duensing BOF W35 49:00 +24:52
27th Andy Mortimer IND M40 50:01 +25:53
28th Team Marlow TVOC M12 52:21 +28:13
29th Robertas Stupelis HOC M10 52:38 +28:30
30th Jane Coutanche TVOC W70 57:24 +33:16
31st Anthony Vollmer IND M40 58:22 +34:14
32nd Joshua Holmes IND M10 59:58 +35:50
33rd Johanna Michl OUOC W21 60:09 +36:01
34th Grant Naber IND M40 61:27 +37:19
35th Pye family IND W10 61:58 +37:50
36th Vicky Walker IND W12 66:15 +42:07
37th Anna Field IND M10 66:46 +42:38
38th Beth Hooton IND W40 83:17 +59:09
39th Ross Family IND M35 84:26 +60:18
40th Tom and Cloe Chiazzest IND M10 114:21 +90:13



2.3km 50m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time Behind
1st William Marshall TVOC M12 19:57  
2nd Andrew Davies TVOC M35 20:17 +0:20
3rd Roberta Riva IND W21 20:41 +0:44
4th Stephanie Bewick IND W40 22:53 +2:56
5th Neil Jefferies IND M40 26:08 +6:11
6th Sophie Marshall TVOC W9 27:05 +7:08
7th Jade Jefferies IND W35 27:14 +7:17
8th Izzy Wyatt, Felicity Lawrence, Georgia Bewick CHPS W10 31:44 +11:47
9th Pauline Sinclair TVOC W45 31:56 +11:59
10th Sean McDonald TVOC M10 35:10 +15:13
11th Freya Fisher TVOC W10 35:57 +16:00
12th Patrick Fisher TVOC M12 36:07 +16:10
13th Eric Schmeirer ST ANDR M6 40:56 +20:59
14th Beatrix Bewick, Abi Wyatt CHPS W10 42:47 +22:50
15th Freya Arnold IND W12 42:50 +22:53
16th Harry Pearson ST ANDR M10 48:49 +28:52
17th Jack Pearson ST ANDR M8 49:12 +29:15
18th Selina Ramsbottom TVOC W10 52:13 +32:16
19th Harriet Parke ST ANDR W10 52:23 +32:26
20th Immy Stott & Thomas White ST ANDR W10 53:49 +33:52
21st Louise Head-rouziere IND W4 82:30 +62:33



1.5km 20m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time Behind
1st Clara Zabell IND W14 13:17  
2nd Poppy White ST ANDR W8 16:24 +3:07
3rd Isla Busby TVOC W8 17:56 +4:39
4th Emily Pearson ST ANDR W10 20:45 +7:28
5th Albert Mortimer IND M8 25:30 +12:13
6th Beatrix Maskill IND W10 25:43 +12:26
7th Sun Hongjaun IND W40 40:14 +26:57