Results for Saturday Series, Brill, 10/02/2018
Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light GreenWhite (length 1.0km, 11 controls)
1 Beatrice Cotgreave &William Marshall IND M10 11:14 n/c Sam Ellis 2ND RUN IND M14 11:22 2 Harriett Bradley IND W5 12:55 3 Lucy Ellis IND W16 13:43 4 George Banks IND M3 19:00 5 Joshua Fendius IND M10 27:54 6 Ewan Bull IND M6 31:17 7 Thomas & Edward Fletcher IND M3 33:20 8 Timothy Green TVOC M2 53:33 ---------------White standard---------------
Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green
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Yellow (length 1.4km, 9 controls)
1 Jack Harvey TVOC M10 13:24 2 Logan Hatton TVOC M10 14:03 3 Sophie Marshall TVOC W10 17:38 4 Euan Kane SMOC M12 18:13 5 Alice Jones IND W12 19:47 6 Sam & Alfie Batt IND M9 20:24 7 Alex Darwin WAOC M10 23:10 8= Polyanna Willsher IND W11 25:39 8= Samuel & Nathan Meering M6-8 25:39 10 Barnaby Duffy IND M2 26:03 --------------Yellow standard--------------- 11 Holly Lyford IND W21 26:59 12 Daniel Timms IND M10 28:53 13 Nicola Valind IND W40 29:00 14 Paula Bolton IND W35 30:11 15 Zoe Millinaton IND W45 30:26 16 Shay Egan IND M45 33:24 17 Eleanor Lynch IND W4 46:06 18 Jamie Fendius IND M10 93:47 mp Finlay Hatton TVOC M14 27:50 Missing nos 7-8 mp Arrin & Ruairi Jones IND MW8-10 59:37 1 out of order
Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green
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Orange (length 2.4km, 16 controls)
1 Adam Nightingale IND M21 21:17 2 Tim Blair IND M40 22:01 3 Lucie and Ronan IND MW26-37 28:16 4 Jessica hamis-Wilson IND W21 29:13 5 Kimberlie Huckleston IND W21 29:19 6 Eddie & Emily Black TVOC M10 29:48 7 Nathan Taylor TVOC (A M12 29:55 8 Mak Macapagal IND M16 30:54 9 Thomas Bull BORLA M14 31:27 10 Hilary Kane SMOC W45 31:52 11 Kipp Mainstone IND M16 32:38 12 Josie Caswell IND W45 33:22 13 Fran Harvey IND W45 33:50 14 Rose Harvey IND W16 34:43 15 Shanon Cabral IND W40 35:51 16 Naomi Hatton TVOC W21 36:15 17 Asha Brown IND W21 36:39 18 Jess Arnold TVOC W14 36:45 19 Lucia Samson & Isabella Willsher IND W14 37:42 20 Joshua & Samuel Longley IND M10 38:23 21 Chris Noyce IND M45 38:25 22 Archie Noyce IND M12 39:08 23 Hebe Darwin WAOC W12 39:43 24 Emilia Frearson IND W6 41:45 25 Freddie Banks IND M9 41:58 --------------Orange standard--------------- 26 Martin Wright IND M50 42:13 27 Tim Andrew IND M55 42:23 28 Stephanie Duensing BOF W35 45:10 29 Carter Family IND M11 45:50 30 Kathryn Humphris IND W40 47:00 31 Lucy Ellis IND W15 47:32 32 Corinne Rodgers IND W40 47:43 33 Jane Coutanche TVOC W70 48:09 34 Lisa Dew TVOC W40 48:17 35 Sam Ellis IND M14 50:58 36 Kathryn Turner TVOC W60 51:01 37 Chris Epps IND M40 51:21 38 Catherine Williams IND W21 54:59 39 Sian Miller TVOC W55 57:50 40 Isabelle Parkins IND W10 58:09 41 Matt Birmingham IND M5-8 69:51 42 Jake Stephenson IND M8 72:03 43 Rebecca Wasey IND W45 73:10 44 Joshau Russell IND M3 86:17 45 Zulayha Hanif W9 105:44 Debbi Carter IND W45 dnf No finish time Tijmen Phipps IND M9 rtd Missing nos 7-16 Ally Hall IND W45 rtd Missing nos 1,8,11-12,14,16 Alfie Hatton TVOC M16 rtd Missing nos 8-16
Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green
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Light Green (length 3.0km, 20 controls)
1 Tim Harrison SUFFOC M20 17:37 2 Clement Claret OUOC M21 19:57 3 Jan Travnicek TVOC M40 21:30 4 Simon Kippin TVOC M45 23:00 5 Dave Kingham TVOC M60 23:10 6 David Cavero Montaner SMOC M21 23:19 7 Jack Smith OUOC M21 23:42 8 Fraser Macdiarmid OUOC M21 24:17 9= Howard Waller TVOC M50 24:20 9= Ben Lonsdale RAFO M35 24:20 11 Alun Jones TVOC M60 25:31 12 John Briggs BKO M60 26:02 13 Mikhail Gryaznevich TVOC M60 26:04 14 Kay Kuehne IND M35 26:20 15 Jonathan Hughes BOF M21 26:49 n/c Tim Blair 2nd run IND M40 27:02 16 Andrew Marshall TVOC M35 27:06 17 Johanna Michl OUOC W21 27:34 18 Alastair Flynn NOC M20 28:25 19 Bethany Kippin TVOC W18 28:43 20 Dawn Figg HH W45 29:34 21 Sarah Gales TVOC W21 29:57 22 Jon Harvey TVOC M45 30:26 23 Teshil Gangaram OUOC M21 31:02 24 Jim Prowting TVOC M70 31:11 25 Martin Ricketts TVOC M70 31:13 26 Andy Cotgreave IND M45 31:19 27 Joel Taylor TVOC (A M14 31:22 28 Thomas Athey NATO M21 31:50 29 Rob Woods RAFO M45 31:54 30 Tom Harvey TVOC M18 32:41 31 Stu Levene HH M45 33:13 32 Eleanor Ainscoe IND W21 34:34 33 Jessica Hamish-Wilson IND W21 35:08 34 Richard Steptoe TVOC M70 35:44 ------------Light Green standard------------ 35 Neil Watts SO M60 35:45 36 Peter Anderton TVOC M60 37:50 37 Charlotte Coles TVOC W35 37:55 38 Stuart Reid IND M30 38:07 39 Ailsa O'Donoghue SOLWAY W20 38:15 40 Richard Stanhope SLOW M60 38:23 41 Mark Wilson IND M55 39:23 42 Hannah Kockelbergh OUOC W21 39:24 n/c Josie Caswell 2nd run IND W45 39:24 43 David Phillips IND M45 40:04 44 David Berger BOF M60 40:25 45 Paul Kilpin TVOC M65 40:50 46 James Mainstone IND M50 41:26 47 Maric Lamb M21 42:50 48 Jacqui Briggs BKO W55 42:52 49 Tim Hughes TVOC M65 43:02 50 Anna Fowler GO W20 44:46 51 Heidi Lloyd TVOC W40 46:30 52 Katharine Hill TVOC W21 46:31 53 Nik Windle TVOC M55 47:59 54 Sue Hunt BKO W60 50:40 55 Roger Cliffe TVOC M45 51:28 56 Edward Lacey TVOC M21 53:21 57 Penny Rodgers TVOC W55 54:59 58 Anthony Donahae IND M40 58:42 59 Hilary Walker IND W55 63:11 60 Michael Pearce IND M35 72:30 61 Pauline Bishop TVOC W45 73:22 62 Amanda Bicknell TVOC W50 73:25 mp Mark Salmon SMOC M45 32:43 Missing no 7 mp Jorge Dias IND M21 55:48 Missing no 1 mp Hector Hunrubia IND M21 63:09 Missing no 20 McDonagh Family IND W12 dnf No finish time Cailean Jones IND M13 rtd Missing nos 11-20
Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green
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Results software provided by Michael Napier, e-mail mnapier @